BrightAI Insights

BrightAI Attracts Bright Minds

Written by BrightAI | Dec 5, 2022 6:22:08 PM

We are grateful to have the best and the brightest on our team. Not only do we have some of the most intelligent and inquisitive engineers in the AI and IoT space; but we also pride ourselves on building a very special environment for those who seek opportunities to learn, collaborate, solve challenges, and leave a lasting mark on the world.

BrightAI is Bruce Morton’s second start-up experience. The limitless possibilities are a draw for him: “Joining a start-up means having a bigger impact and being part of a really tight team. Also, I get to touch every vertical, and they’re all completely different. I'm able to bring in my experience to help. I want to be with a company that could go ‘to the moon,’ and I think that's a possibility here.”

Before joining BrightAI, Bruce had the unique opportunity to work on the team that designed and built a submarine to view the wreck of the Titanic. “One of my biggest lessons learned from that project was to test for every possible failure, and that carries on now. I test early in the process and put the fixes in before deployment. Band-aids after the fact can be extremely painful and difficult.”

“The thing that motivates me is helping people's lives be easier, making the world safer, more efficient, creating savings, and greater wealth. It's all about what is the benefit of the product.”

With a Masters in Electrical Engineering, and a number of patents to his name, Bruce is always alert for anything BrightAI designs that’s patentable: “We need to protect ourselves—especially when it’s something new—to get a patent filed before it is public, when it would be open for anyone to copy. A patent is really forever; it’s a permanent record with my name on it, so my great great great grandchildren will be able to say, ‘oh wow look at that, he was an inventor.’”

Bruce is based in Washington State, has worked in Sweden and Singapore, and he lived for two years in Guatemala. “Having Spanish as a language is not something that I just did then. You must keep practicing, so I do Duolingo every day. I like to keep up my Spanish and to learn other languages. It is valuable.”

Sammi Tafoya explored computer sciences in high school and college to find out where she wanted to go. She knows eight programming languages—of which JavaScript is an old favorite. “Because it has been around for so long, there's a lot of projects that are built off of it and there's a lot of libraries, so you don't have to waste your time doing little things just to get it up and running. You can focus more on doing cool things with it. Every day, I learn different things and work on personal projects, like building websites, to get more experience.”

“BrightAI is not about AI for the sake of AI; it's helping business cases, which I think is really cool. Traditionally, I wouldn't really care what goes on in the laundry room or how people measure pools, but our teams create these solutions and it’s amazing the impact we have on these industries. Sammi is based in New York and enjoys the opportunity to visit customers in person for working sessions. She said that leading tech demos and seeing reactions and questions is both rewarding and motivating.

BrightAI is Sammi’s third start-up. ”When I interviewed here, I really liked the people I spoke with. It’s a really fun place to work. I'm technically a front-end engineer, but I'm getting to do a little bit of cloud work. I get to try my hand at a bunch of different things and work with people who, in a big company, I wouldn't traditionally get to work with. I can call on senior staff who have helped me with unexpected problems.

“I've never worked a fully remote job, but I do like it and I appreciate the steps BrightAI makes to get people all connected. It’s been so great; I don’t want to ever go back to work in person again because this has been a really good experience.”

These are only two examples of the bright minds that BrightAI is fortunate to have on our team as we work toward changing the world with Artificial Intelligence! We are proud of these rock stars and thankful to be able to harness their imagination, skills, and experience to deliver real world solutions to technological problems in multiple industries.

Learn more about BrightAI’s incredible team and solutions at